Thursday, December 30, 2021

Broadview Press: 2022 English Studies & Literature Catalogue

I'm delighted that my new craft text is included in Broadview's 2022 English Studies & Literature catalogue. Take a look at their many wonderful offerings.

Monday, October 4, 2021

New Poems in Guesthouse: A Panoply of Modern Writing

I'm honored to be included in the fabulous new issue of Guesthouse. Special thanks to Jane Huffman for her thoughtful discussion of my poems-- 

I struggled to end this foreword, perhaps because all 30 of these pieces move with tremendous, ongoing energy. I feel propelled forward by their stories and songs, which tell not of ends but of beginnings and middles, upsets and restarts, histories made and re-made. And so instead, I’ll let Ethel Rackin have the last word, whose triptych of modified ghazals beautifully and strangely embody the issue’s theme of “origin.” They re-imagine the “ghazal,” a traditional Arabic poetic form, first recorded in the seventh century, that requires several formal elements. Rackin chooses to emphasize a single traditional parameter — that the poet name themselves. As such, these poems honor the form’s ancient origin to an extent, but they stand on their own, formless and irreverent. “Tomorrow is gone—,” she writes in “Red Ghazal,” which could stand in as a thesis statement for Issue 8 at large. “Raise the red lantern / blue heron nights / faded red sun / end the errands / the distractions / [. . .] / your last day’s come / Ethel Rackin.” I extend the same call to you, reader, as you enter to Issue 8. 
Jane Huffman, editor-in-chief


Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 I'm delighted to have two poems in the beautiful inaugural issue of Allium: A Journal of Poetry & Prose. 

Alium is the new multi-genre print and online publication of the Columbia College of Chicago's English Department. Many thanks to Tony Trigilio, Cora Jacobs, and the whole Alium crew.


Friday, August 27, 2021

Six Poems in One Art

 Here are six poems of mine. Thank you for giving them a home in One Art, Mark Danowsky.

Six Poems by Ethel Rackin


Some things go with it—
the anxious stares
the desire to attenuate things—
so that a flower in a vase
stands just
as it is
as long as it is
invisibly and because.


The Color of Trees

All these creatures filled
with petrified wood
as I am—little bird—
as I am—snow-filled skull—
ornamental nightingale—
so my early years and late
stretch in a thin line—
break and breathe—
as trees thrown by a river
rise—what’s the difference
bird—call me if you need
any 200-year-old trees.



The forest will take you—
you with your sudden
aching parts
your steely starts
and uneven gait
your unconscious fits—
don’t fret, Friend, walk—
something will roll you
something will lift you up
as if by wind—
a frond.
A river walk.



Something it is that hangs
on the backs of bushes—
laundry-line or vine, half-
occluded woodbine—
or those rotten birches—
the hollow ones—now
that we’ve become
no more useful to them
than this unpredictable sun.


Another Summer

Dogs walked the streets
trees snuck behind shadows
the world was an alley
in my heart a tune played
ice fell and melted
large drinks were served
these were the salad days
but we didn’t yet know it
we were so busy counting
our private miseries
our secret wishes.



What remains in my notebook
now that the day is done
here on this sick planet
I think I’ll pour another
look up at the dim
stars—for tonight
they’re on fire.


Ethel Rackin is the author of three books of poetry: The Forever Notes (Parlor Press, 2013), Go On (Parlor Press, 2016), and Evening (Furniture Press, 2017). Her new text, Crafting Poems and Stories: A Guide to Creative Writing, is forthcoming from Broadview Press. Poems are forthcoming in Allium, Colorado Review, and Guesthouse.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Video of "Forge"

The local Doylestown Library is celebrating National Poetry Month with a video of me reading my poem, "Forge." You can check it out on their FB page or on YouTube. Thanks to Lodina Slawecki for making her dream into a reality.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Allium, A Journal of Poetry and Prose

Thanks for the feature in your Where We Write segment, Allium. Looking forward to reading and contributing to this promising new journal!


Friday, March 26, 2021

New England Review

Happy to be included in this beautiful new issue of New England Review.  If you don't already, consider subscribing. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Welcome to the Resistance: Poetry as Protest


I'm grateful to be included in Welcome to the Resistance: Poetry as Protest, an anthology edited by Ona Gritz and Taylor Carmen Savath. This wonderful new anthology collects the work of a remarkable group of poets. Proceeds benefit Taylor's reading series/political letter writing campaign.

You can purchase your copy here:

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

National Jewish Book Award

Congratulations to the 2020 National Jewish Book Award Winners. It's an honor to serve as a judge. In particular, congratulations to the winner and finalists for the Berru Poetry Award in Mem­o­ry of Ruth and Bernie Weinflash:
Nau­tilus and Bone
Lisa Richter
Fron­tenac House
How to Love the World
Elvi­ra Basevich
Pank Books
Asy­lum: A per­son­al, his­tor­i­cal, nat­ur­al inquiry in 103 lyric sections
Jill Bialosky
Alfred A. Knopf
Adam Kam­mer­ling
Out-Spo­ken Press

In Time Available for Pre-Order

Happily, my new book of poems, In Time, is now available for pre-order. My hope is that the book will bring you some solace, happiness, an...