Thursday, January 25, 2018


No River Twice: Improvisational Poetry

I'm so excited to announce the debut performance of
created and hosted by Hayden Saunier

No River Twice is a group of poets engaged in improvisational poetry reading/performances in which audience participation determines the direction of the performance from beginning to end, poem by poem, co-creating a reading that is never the same twice.

NRT's Mission is to create invigorated and wide-ranging poetry readings where the audience participates actively with a group of poets to determine the direction, theme, subject, tone of each reading, creating a new experience on each occasion; to promote and encourage the art and craft of poetry and to develop a larger audience for poetry as a connective and and communal experience.

Participating poets are:
Hayden Saunier, Grant Clauser, Chad Frame, Vasiliki Katsarou, Joanne Leva, Lynn Levin, Lorraine Henrie Lins, Bernadette McBride, Ethel Rackin, and Cleveland Wall.

UPCOMING Performance:
This Sunday!
January 28th: Fergie's Pub, Philadelphia, PA

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Galaxy Watch: Galaxy Love and Death Watch by Gerald Stern

I'm delighted that my collaborative review of Gerald Stern's two new books--Galaxy Love and Death Watch--which I wrote with poet Elaine Terranova, appears in the January/February issue of The American Poetry Review.

If you're not already a subscriber, you can purchase the issue here.

In Time Available for Pre-Order

Happily, my new book of poems, In Time, is now available for pre-order. My hope is that the book will bring you some solace, happiness, an...