Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Goodbye, MacDowell

I'm home now, after an incredible five weeks at the MacDowell Colony. I am so very grateful to have had this time and space to focus on my poetry and to connect with other artists across disciples. Here are some snaps.

Barnard Studio Porch

Barnard Studio


Library Alcove

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Kestrel, A Journal of Literature and Art

The gorgeous new issue of one of my favorite journals, Kestrel, has just arrived—with work by J.C. Todd, Elizabeth Robinson, and many others. My review of the anthology Eyes Glowing at the Edge of the Woods: Fiction and Poetry from West Virginia is also included.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

"Say It with Flowers" on Poetry Daily

I'm thrilled that my poem, "Say It with Flowers" appeared on Poetry Daily on Memorial Day. Check out the new issue of Columbia Poetry Review where the poem first appeared.

Friday, May 18, 2018

A Review of Evening by Randall Potts

I'm so grateful to Randall Potts for this beautiful review of my chapbook, Evening. Thanks to Colorado Review for publishing the review and to Furniture Press Books where you can purchase the book.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

New Work in Columbia Poetry Review

Here's the celebratory reading announcement for the new issue of Columbia Poetry Review. I'm pleased as punch to have new work in one of my favorite journals and am grateful to be featured here.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

New Work in They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Collaborative Writing

Here's the gorgeous cover image for They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Collaborative Writing, edited by Simone Muench and Dean Rader, forthcoming from Black Lawrence Press
this June.

I'm delighted that "Silent e," a collaborative lyric sequence that I wrote with Elizabeth Savage, will appeat in these pages, alongside 200 authors, including Carla Harryman, Lyn Hejinian, Maureen Seaton, Denise Duhamel, Ross Gay, and many, many others! More information to follow.

New Work in Colorado Review

I'm delighted to have a poem featured in the Spring 2018 issue of Colorado Review. Here's a link to the poem. If you're not already a subscriber, consider subscribing to this wonderful journal.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018


No River Twice: Improvisational Poetry

I'm so excited to announce the debut performance of
created and hosted by Hayden Saunier

No River Twice is a group of poets engaged in improvisational poetry reading/performances in which audience participation determines the direction of the performance from beginning to end, poem by poem, co-creating a reading that is never the same twice.

NRT's Mission is to create invigorated and wide-ranging poetry readings where the audience participates actively with a group of poets to determine the direction, theme, subject, tone of each reading, creating a new experience on each occasion; to promote and encourage the art and craft of poetry and to develop a larger audience for poetry as a connective and and communal experience.

Participating poets are:
Hayden Saunier, Grant Clauser, Chad Frame, Vasiliki Katsarou, Joanne Leva, Lynn Levin, Lorraine Henrie Lins, Bernadette McBride, Ethel Rackin, and Cleveland Wall.

UPCOMING Performance:
This Sunday!
January 28th: Fergie's Pub, Philadelphia, PA

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Galaxy Watch: Galaxy Love and Death Watch by Gerald Stern

I'm delighted that my collaborative review of Gerald Stern's two new books--Galaxy Love and Death Watch--which I wrote with poet Elaine Terranova, appears in the January/February issue of The American Poetry Review.

If you're not already a subscriber, you can purchase the issue here.

In Time Available for Pre-Order

Happily, my new book of poems, In Time, is now available for pre-order. My hope is that the book will bring you some solace, happiness, an...