Friday, June 16, 2017

You Need This Book

consolation snacks
by hassen saker with drawings by Don Riggs
a Furniture Press Book
Release: July 8, 2017

Hassen Saker is a transmedia creator, working in texts, audio, photography, film, performance and ephemeral acts. She is the author of the chapbook Salem from Belladonna, the poetry triptych, Sky Journal, from Dusie Press, and a forthcoming book of poetry from Least Weasel.

Saker has shown her photography in group shows and solo exhibitions. For her art film projects, in addition to producing and directing, she writes, scores, shoots, and edits the short films, which have been featured online, in public art spaces and screenings, and performed live in collaboration with other artists. The short poem-film, Solastalgia, a collaboration with poet Deborah Poe, will soon be featured on

Since 2006 Saker has been a green business owner, committed to the core values and large impact of independent business adhering to a Triple Bottom Line to create an ethical economy.
Over the past 10 years, she has served on both the Board of Directors of the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia and on the Executive Committee for the Philadelphia Independent Film and Video Association. She also collaborates on media projects with Natalie Jeremijenko of the xDesign Environmental Health Clinic at NYU.

In 2009, Saker founded the social media channel, VolkLibre, a community of artist-activists, for which she directed & produced Heroes, a series of short video interviews with sustainability role models.

Saker also directed and produced a feature length documentary film in 2012 and is currently in pre-production of two more feature documentaries with her company, Dog Feed Dog Productions.
Saker has lived throughout the U.S. & currently resides in the Philadelphia area.

This is clever meaningful wordplay in the purest sense. 
—Ashleigh Brilliant

In Time Available for Pre-Order

Happily, my new book of poems, In Time, is now available for pre-order. My hope is that the book will bring you some solace, happiness, an...