Friday, May 20, 2016

Thomas Merton Prize in Poetry of the Sacred

I'm so pleased and honored that “Soledad,” a lyric sequence that I co-authored with Elizabeth Savage, was selected by Elizabeth Robinson as the winning poem for the Thomas Merton Prize in Poetry of the Sacred.

Here's the link to the 21st annual Festival of Faiths taking place now in Louisville, KY. Our poem will be performed later today (time tba): Festival of Faiths

Our sequence will be published in the winter issue of Parabola. Here's a sneak peek:


In which the sun
as bright as an orb
(which it was)

as sparks flew
or spurs
from disappointment’s—

that was all
as she drove listening
lone survivor

not a song
but a lyric
ran through it


When the dead are lost
in the sun—who are you

praying for? once
they blazed a path

once they burned
and the sparks blink

behind in effort
what survives the lyric

some small night
holds wilder nouns

in alien calm
one winter psalm


an alien calmness
engulfs an edge
wraps round

the wilder brush

beyond effort’s saving
sparks blind

while stones
like thieves
find the rush

and tell lies as lyric’s lost


accomplices blind
by alien calm

a rap unrushed
a guest that lies
a thief in trust

in hindsight

if all we strike
breaks to light


if all we bend’s
already bent

as a node’s nudge
dives down
only to be

in dust


bent to tend
low of dusk
sun belies
lyrics rushed


this winter song
her lone accomplice
as stars once wished upon

now stare down
on woodland thrush


once along sabbath
            startling orb
thrust upon
woodland wished

In Time Available for Pre-Order

Happily, my new book of poems, In Time, is now available for pre-order. My hope is that the book will bring you some solace, happiness, an...