Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Go On

I'm so pleased to report that Parlor Press will publish my second collection of poems, GO ON, in 2016. Many thanks to Editor Jon Thompson. I'm delighted that my book will be a part of the Free Verse Editions List.

Here's a the gorgeous sculptural assemblage by Rebecca Hoenig that will grace the book's cover:

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Boog City #103

And, in more collaborative news, check out the lyric sequence, Silent e, that I wrote with Elizabeth Savage. It appears in the new issue of Boog City. Thanks to Buck Downs.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

A Vital Territory | Jacket2

Here's a link to a review of Elizabeth Savage's new collection of poems, Idylliad, that I wrote with Deborah Poe. I hope that our collaboration marks the beginning of a conversation on this important new book. A vital territory | Jacket2

Monday, October 5, 2015

Fall Publications

Thanks to poetry editor Elizabeth Savage for including five of my new poems in the latest issue of Kestrel!

You can order a copy here.

In more happy news, I just received my copies of the beautiful new issue of South Dakota Review! Thanks to Lee Ann Roripaugh for including three of my poems.

You can order the issue here.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Reviews of The Forever Notes

Here's a collection of excellent reviews of my first book of poems:
If you'd like to write a review, drop me a line, and I'll send you a copy of the book.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

New Design

Hello All,

I've redesigned the blog, and am going to be posting more often on poetry happenings and other related subjects of interest. Please click follow and like to help me build some po-buzz. Thanks! Happy reading and writing.


Summer Reading

Buy and read these books. You'll be happy you did:

Anna Badkhen's Walking with Abel
Elizabeth Savage's Idylliad
Jon Thompson's Landscape with Light

more to come...

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Upcoming Readings

The 9th Annual Welcome to Boog City Festival--5 Days of Poetry, Music, and Theater
I'm reading on Thursday, August 6 at Unnameable Books in Brooklyn:
$5 suggested
600 Vanderbilt Ave.
Prospect Heights, Brooklyn
Directions: 2, 3 to Grand Army Plaza,
C to Clinton-Washington avenues, Q to 7th Ave.
Venue is bet. Prospect Pl./St. Marks Ave.

6:00 p.m. Jacob Bennett
6:15 p.m. Emily Skillings
6:25 p.m. Joel Sloman
6:40 p.m. Ruth Lepson
6:55 p.m. Sharon Mesmer
7:05 p.m. Ethel Rackin
7:20 p.m. Kirk Kelly (music)

7:50 p.m. break

8:00 p.m. Elizabeth Savage
8:10 p.m. Tyler Antoine
8:25 p.m. Julia Edwards
8:35 p.m. Sara Jane Stoner
8:45 p.m. Frank Olson (music)

Sunday, August 9 in the Jubilant Thicket Reading Series at Head House Books in Philadelphia
with Docena Blyden and Elizabeth Savage:

Head House Books
619 S 2nd St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147
5 pm

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Upcoming Readings

I'm very much looking forward to these three upcoming readings:

April 6, 6:30 pm: With Kasey Jueds, Free Library of Philadelphia

April 9, 3 pm: Parlor Press AWP Offsite Reading, Boneshaker Books, Minneapolis


April 18, 3:30 pm: Philadelphia Sketch Club

Philadelphia Sketch Club
235 South Camac Street
Philadelphia PA 19107

April 18, 2015 is Philadelphia Poetry Day. Poetry Everywhere! Here at the Sketch Club in the Exhibition Gallery surrounded by the works of the Small Oils Exhibition, a poetry reading by two area poets is scheduled from 3:30 to 4:30 pm.

Ethel Rackin is the author of The Forever Notes, published by Parlor Press in 2013. Her second collection of poems, Evening, was named a finalist for the 2014 Akron Poetry Prize. Her work has also appeared in journals such as The American Poetry Review, Colorado Review, Court Green, Evergreen Review, Kestrel, Poetry East, Verse Daily, and Volt. She has taught at Penn State Brandywine, Haverford College, and Bucks County Community College, where she is currently an associate professor.

Leonard Gontarek’s  recent books are He Looked Beyond My Faults and Saw My Needs and Déjà vu Diner. His poems have appeared in The Best American Poetry, Joyful Noise! An Anthology of American Spiritual Poetry, The Working Poet, American Poetry Review, Fence, Field, Verse, Poet Lore, Spinning Jenny, and as a tattoo. He coordinates Peace/Works and hosts The Green Line Reading and Interview Series. He was the 2011 Philadelphia Literary Death Match Champion and recipient of the 2014 Philadelphia Writers Conference Community Service Award. His poems have been translated into Italian and Romanian.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Elizabeth Savage's Idylliad

Getting excited for the imminent release of Elizabeth Savage's stunning new book, Idylliad.

In Time Available for Pre-Order

Happily, my new book of poems, In Time, is now available for pre-order. My hope is that the book will bring you some solace, happiness, an...