Friday, March 1, 2013

AWP in Boston: The Event II-The Burren

I'm very much looking forward to reading with fellow Parlor Press poets, Jennifer Atkinson and Christopher Kondrich, as well as many others, in this upcoming AWP offsite reading. Stop by if you can!

Here's the info.:

Saturday, March 9, 2013
6:00pm until 9:00pm
The Burren, 247 Elm Street, Somerville, MA (Davis Square) - Accessible by subway on the Red Line (2 stops after Harvard)

Cost: Donation

Poets from the following presses will be reading: Highway 101, Furniture Press Books, Parlor, La Alameda, Apogee, Lunar Chandelier, Flim Forum, Fact-Simile, Stockport Flats, Instance/EtherDome, Propolis Press and Innisfree Poetry Bookstore & Cafe. Readers: Elizabeth Savage, Melanie Noel, Kimberly Lyons, Andrew Schelling, Pattie McCarthy, Belinda Kremer, Matthew Klane, Adam Golaski, Jennifer Atkinson, Christopher Kondrich, Ethel Rackin. Elizabeth Robinson, Brian Teare, Travis Cebula, Deborah Poe, Cara Benson, Lynn Behrendt, Rebecca Eland and Joe Elliot.

In Time Available for Pre-Order

Happily, my new book of poems, In Time, is now available for pre-order. My hope is that the book will bring you some solace, happiness, an...